Sophie's Six Snapshots


Life is very exciting at the moment, I don't have a single idle moment. I thought that today I'd share with you a few things I've been doing (or six snapshots from my life).

I've got a new blog design! I spent the last week setting the template up on my test blog getting it ready to go live over here.

This template was harder to set up than any other I've ever set up before, but I had a lot of fun. It challenged my knowledge of HTML.

I like how this template has so many different ways of showing off my posts. I've got a slider, a featured post in the sidebar on the main page, some posts in the menu and, of course, I’ve got my popular post gadgets.

Speaking of blogging and HTML, setting up this template made me remember Codecademy. Codecademy is a website that has FREE HTML lessons.

I was using Codecademy a few months ago, but I got busy and stopped doing the lessons. I wanted to go back and finish off the course.

I'm enjoying doing a couple of lessons a day. I hope that one day, using the knowledge I've learned, I'll be able to make my own Blogger templates.

While doing these lessons, I'm starting to realize just how useful it is to know a bit of HTML. I can now format my blog posts manually to make them look awesome!

Another thing that's going to look awesome is ME! My brother, Callum, is getting married in five weeks. Mum, my older sisters and I have been trying to find clothes to wear to the wedding.

We looked online and found a website selling beautiful dresses. After a long time looking through them all, we picked out one for each of us girls and ordered them.

A few days later, they arrived in the mail. Excitedly, we rushed to our rooms to try on our dresses. Imogen’s and Charlotte's dresses look amazing, but there was a slight problem with mine. It was too big. Much too big. The waistline hung around my knees, and it was very baggy.

We had to send it back and pick a new one for me. We're now waiting for it to arrive in the mail. I hope it will fit better than the last one!

Dress shops online are really useful. Recently I found something else online: Fitness Blender.

Fitness Blender is a YouTube channel that makes workout videos you can follow at home. Every afternoon I've been disappearing into my bedroom to do one of their workouts.

I'm finding myself looking forward to my workouts each day. There is nothing more satisfying than finishing a hard workout and rewarding myself with a shower, cup of tea and perhaps a good book.

I've got a lot of new good books I can read after my workouts. On Friday Mum and Charlotte had to go into town for an appointment. Mum suggested that Imogen, Gemma-Rose and I come with them and visit the library while they were busy. We jumped at the suggestion. I'm always eager to find some new books to read.

One of the books I found was Behemoth by Scott Westerfeld. I borrowed the first book in the series, Leviathan, last time I went to the library. I enjoyed it very much, so I'm excited to have Behemoth to read now.

When Mum and Charlotte got back from their appointment, we all went to buy some lunch at a shopping centre food court. There wasn't a single free table to eat inside the mall so we took our cheese rolls and milkshakes down to the lake. I love picnics. Eating at the park turned out to be much more fun than eating inside. Perhaps it was a good thing there were no tables.

What have you been doing recently? Have you discovered anything interesting? Do you like exercising? What are you currently reading? 

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  1. How do your posts always inspire me?! Always enjoy reading your blog, Sophie - and I love the new design! It's really amazing!
    Charlie xx

    1. Thank you so much! I had so much fun setting it up.

  2. It's a wonderful thing to be busy doing things you enjoy.
    Exercise? Yes, I enjoy it but can only go walking due to my back injury. I'm grateful to be able to walk though and try to walk the dog most days.
    I've been spending a lot of time weaving, which I do at night when all my daytime duties are done.
    I'm reading "Crossing the Tiber" by Steve Ray about his conversion to the Catholic faith, it's very good.
    My girls love picnics, they are looking forward to Spring so we can do more of that.
    Your blog looks great, keep up the good work!

  3. Oh, I forgot to mention, I made my first video tutorial, you Elvis ladies inspired me so that I thought I could give it a go, I think it turned out pretty well, though I did need my son to edit for me :)

    1. I like walking our dog, Nora, too. She needs to be walked every day and we all take it in turns to take her out.
      I'm looking forward to more picnics too. Somehow eating outside is more fun than eating at a table!
      I watched your video! I really enjoyed seeing how weaving is actually done. Your weaving is so beautiful, I wish I could weave.
